It was a pleasant surprise to read Mr. Joselit's intelligent
article about Radical Software. As the journals cofounder
and editor it's wonderful to receive some acknowledgement. It
is true, as he noted that the use of video as a societal aid
or an activist's tool, aside from Video Art, has been disenfranchised
or written out of history. Hence, many important visions and
visionaries have been forgotten.
Mr. Joselit correctly noted our emphasis on feedback as a
tool for self-correction for individuals and systems. We had
a belief, however naïve, in being able to alter our pre-1984
information environment in non-commercial ways. Viewing oneself
on Video then was akin to seeing your photograph or mirror reflection
for the first time. The potential was not yet commodified or
codified. Today's information environment is congested with standardized
formulas. I am hopeful that there is still a chance to rectify
I created the initial concept, editorial content, and formatting
with Beryl Korot of Radical Software prior to any Raindance
involvement. 1970 was still a time when the integration of women
into counterculture organizations was not fully accomplished.
Radical Software is the legacy of us two women, as well.
Ironically, its very eclectic mix brought me a lot of flak at
the time. I therefore left after the second issue.
My personal inquiry into Art and Technology, pre-dating what
was to become Radical Software, was about the Electromagnetic
Spectrum. In the world I had been born into the Spectrum had
already been sold and apportioned. The invisible had been bought
up. At the brink of the emerging Information age tools of communication
were not available to the public and most research was conducted
and owned by private corporations with military affiliations.
That purchasing power led to the mass manipulation of communication
employed in the managing of people, nations and their products.
Today there is great concern about the privatization of water
rights, disappearing habitats and species. Humans are the only
species that pays rent. Does that insure our habitat? It is worthwhile
to speak of our cultural communication environment as a society
and an in-the-museum art culture. What ideas, theories and philosophies
have emerged that flow more than one way? What enterprises do
we engage in collectively and unconsciously? Is our psychological
atmosphere more or less restrictive today? How can the viewing
environments of Video Art progress into an architectonic showplace
with body and mind considerations? What can be done to ease human
I am available for all discussions of related subjects.
-Phyllis Segura
Subject: Early Video Projects
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 14:53:45 -0500
From: "Mattingly Productions" <>
To: <>
Thank you for the nice comments regarding Introducing The
Single Camera VTR
System on the alibris "Early Video Books" page.. I
am still around, you can
check out our web site at Still doing
video after
all these years!
Thank you - Grayson Mattingly
Subject: Video Art book
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 17:20:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Rush <>
I am writing a book on Video Art for Thames and Hudson.
I just spoke with Paul Ryan.. and last week Frank
Gillette-- and before that others, all of whom mention
you! Thank you for your good work and website!!!
I want you to know about my book (also my other book
recently published, NEW MEDIA IN LATE 20TH CENTURY
ART). I hope to have most of it written this summer.
I have kind of a left-field question: Do you have a
counterpart in Europe who's doing with Europe what
you're doing with US video history?? Any leads in this
I'd appreciate any info.--- and anything else you
think important.
Many thanks,
Michael Rush
27 W. 44th Street #24
NY NY 10036
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Subject: early video
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 10:40:52 -0700
From: Steve Seid <>
Hi Davidson,
I'm writing from the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley. Gene
Youngblood just told me about your project--which I had never
heard of, though I had certainly heard of you.
I am in the final stages of a preservation project which has
been going on for two years--it concerns the National Center
for Experiments in Television which was affiliated for a time
with KQED, the public station in San Francisco. I have cleaned
and transferred dozens of works from 2" and 3/4" dating
from 1967 to 1975 (they used 1/2" as source material, but
never as the final resting place).
If you are not aware of the NCET, it was an interdisciplinary
research project that brought filmmakers, engineers, poets, painters,
composers, dancers etc together and gave them access to KQED's
studio and eventually to their own facility. Stephen Beck developed
the Direct Video Synthesizer there. I could talk about their
philosophy, the results of the project, their demise etc etc.
But that is for some other note.
In the meantime, I will begin exhibiting the tapes in mid-September
with many of the artists--now between the ages of 50 and 70--in
attendance. There will also be a gallery exhibition here (the
Berkeley Art Museum) with The Videola, an installation from 1973
developed by Don Hallock of the NCET, the Beck Direct Video Synthesizer
#1 (though partially scavenged), viewing stations, and artifacts
(posters, essays, photographs, books etc).
This is not my first preservation project. I've preserved
the early works of Paul Kos, some unreleased Wegman tapes, transferred
the more obscure Ant Farm tapes to Beta, and preserved The Dilexi
Series, a group of works from 1969 commissioned for broadcast
and made by such artists as Terry Riley, Frank Zappa, Andy Warhol,
Walter DeMaria and Robert Frank.
I've just started going through your web-site--so far it looks
great, even found a book I'd never heard of "Video Visions"
by Jonathan Price. I'll continue on my journey...
Maybe we should talk someday?
Sincerely, Steve Seid
Steve Seid
Video Curator
Pacific Film Archive
2625 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94720-2250
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Subject: good site
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 15:46:24 -0400
From: DeeDee Halleck <>
Organization: Deep Dish TV
hey Davidson,
nice to know about your site. It is very useful
I am embarking on publishing a book called:
"Hand Held Visions: The Uses of Community Media"
Fordham press.
check out the deep dish site
and of course
DeeDee Halleck
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Subject: Re: Announcements...
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 19:22:57 +0100
From: "Carlota Schoolman" <>
To: Davidson Gigliotti <>
Hi Davidson,
I finally checked in with the site. I was away from e-mail
for a while.
Great job!!!
At some point when I'm not going off to Long Island, such
as now, I need to rethink
my personal time-line as it fits into the one you've got going.
As I recall,
I went to The Kitchen in November of '74, and one of my jobs
was to create
on ongoing series of exhibitions - single channel and installation.
As far
as I know, it was the first regularly scheduled day time public
series of
video exhibitions in NYC, each lasting one month. The installations
included Shigeko Kubota, Ira Schneider's Manhattan is An Island,
Peter Campus, Beryl Korot's Dachau, Lawrence Weiner, Vito
Acconci, Rita Myers, Bill Viola, David Cort... and many single
channel tapes. I have none of the documentation, or very little,
but I'm sure The Kitchen has it should anyone ever want to re-examine.
I also produced a series for Experiments in Art and Technology
(and then on
my own), before I went to The Kitchen. It was artists films and
that Billy Kluver and Julie had selected (Nancy Graves' Camels,
Michael Snow, ...I
selected a fabulous tape of Eric Emerson singing at the cabaret
at the
Mercer Street Art Center which I've always regretted not copying...and
a fair amount of
video which I produced in the basement of Automation House (Trisha
Brown, Gordon
Matta Clark, Tina Girouard, Richard Serra, Joan Jonas ...). The
series was
called Art Works on TV, and I think it was the first such
thing on Public
Access. Is that possible? At the time EAT was housed at Automation
House and
involved with the idea of public access which had just begun.
I arranged
screenings at bars that had cable since no one else did at the
Carlota Schoolman
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Subject: Re: Thanks!
Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2000 10:58:12 -0400
From: "Dean Evenson" <>
To: Davidson Gigliotti <>
Dear Davidson:
Thanks for getting it together! How can we help? We are right
now working
on a video documentation of Tibetan monks about chanting and
healing. They
stayed with us and did ceremonies in our little town by the bay.
It will go
along with the 40 hours of footage from india and interview with
H.H. the
Dalai Lama.
Dean and Dudley
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Subject: Early Video Project
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 19:59:25 -0400
From: "Chuck Reti" <>
I just discovered your Early Video Project site, by way of
Yahoo's Picks of
the Week newsletter. Great stuff! I've been in video since college
days at
Wayne State Univ in Detroit 1966+++. Was particularly happy to
see your
reference to Shamberg's "Guerilla Television." I have
a pristine copy which
I procured, possibly from Shamberg himself, at the Alternative
Conference held at Goddard College in Vermont in June of 71 or
72 (it's a
bit of a foggy memory!). Recall also seeing/meeting some of the
group there. I wonder how much if any of the hours of Bucky Fuller
tapes I
saw there remains. I also have a copy of Shamberg's "Radical
#5"(1972) which also delves deeply into the film and video
resources then
available. If I find any material in my archives, print or video,
that might
enhance your site, I'll be happy to pass it along.
Obviously no longer a student film/video maker, I'm plying
my craft for
Corporate America at HQ of Kmart Corp. in Troy MI. Gotta pay
the bills.
But it's still video and it's still fun to make!
Chuck Reti Detroit,MI
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Subject: early video project
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 13:28:34 -0700
From: "Elayne Zalis" <>
To: <>
I just discovered the Early Video Project Web Site and am
intrigued by the undertaking. With a Ph.D. in Video Art Studies
and as the former Video Collection Archivist at the Long Beach
Museum of Art, I am pleased to see video represented on the Web.
I recommend that you add to the archival resources the collection
at the Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA. If you are unfamiliar
with the National Moving Image Database (NAMID) at the American
Film Institute in
Los Angeles, you might want to include that resource also. Contact
Henry Mattoon, Director of NAMID,
Currently, I'm interested in examining what video art / independent
media (not limited to early video, encompassing work produced
through the 1980s and early 1990s as well) can offer producers
and critics of new media, particularly in relation to experimental
autobiographies/biographies/diaries/memoirs. I'm also interested
in studying the evolution of selected videomakers who now work
in new media. My focus has been on single-channel videos rather
than on installations.
Good luck with your project, and let me know how it develops.
Elayne Zalis
Long Beach, CA
Subject:Videopolis tapes
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 19:39:45 -0500
From: Jack McFadden <>
Just dug out my carton of videotapes, thought you might like
a sampler
of titles. A mix of 1/2 inch open reel (30 min.) and Beta tapes
(dubs of
stuff produced originally on 1/2 inch). I have no way to play
these and
can't recall what all titles mean, so a complete inventory would
tough to create. Anyway, just for an idea:
1. "Ears" 3/18/75 - Chicago Jazz group
2. copy of Alternate Media Center (NYC, Red Burns/George Stoney)
Access Programs in 12 U.S. Cities" done for House Committee
Communications 8/9/76
3. Oct. 1974 "Chagall Unveiled at Metro High School",
4. Moming Sampler (Chicago dance group)
5. Daley action (community group video)
6. "It's a Living" 1976 (I remember this one: shot
& edited mainly by
Videopolis founder Anda Korsts at Maxwell Street flea market
in Chicago
- a neat piece)
7. Barney (?)
8. Lakeview Community School
--UT School of Social Work (shot on first Beta portapak):
1. Stripmining & Impact on Campbell County
2. Return from Foster Care
3. Bobby and Mandy (mother & son from rural East Tennessee)
I've also got a ton of stuff on my (now 22 year old) daughter
shot on
Beta, edited on Sony 8650 (1/2 inch open reel CrO2 editor) and
dubbed back
onto Beta - from her birth in June 1978 to 1981. Man, I haven't
about this stuff for ages, but I can remember just what that
8650 deck looked
like and how much it weighed (55 pounds). Also remember my friend's
cracked windshield from the time he left a 12 volt NiCad 10 cell
case battery on his dashboard in the summer - it exploded in
the heat.
Let me know when there'll be an opportunity to wax nostalgic
about all
this. If you happen across Anda Korsts in this quest, I'd like
know, too.
Jack 615-386-9520 home phone 615-383-7781 home fax
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© Davidson Gigliotti, 2000CE